Is health conditioned by spirituality?

[Montse Esquerda, Angela Lopez-Tarrida, David Lorenzo, Margarita Bofarull]. Since the dawn of history, science and belief are destined to a permanent dialogue, since both are centred on the human being, who tries to assign sense and meaning to the events that occur, both those that happen to him or herself and those that happen around him … Leer más

Sacred Nature

[Jaime Tatay] Recensionamos la última obra de Karen Armstron, Sacred Nature. How we can recover our bond with the natural world (Penguin 2022). Reivindicar la función central del mito y rehabilitar su importancia frente a los prejuicios culturales que lo han desprestigiado es una de las principales tareas que la escritora Karen Armstrong emprende en … Leer más